Our Pandora box of health problems was opened at the end of September 2018.

My 47-year-old brother was diagnosed with a rare form of advanced stage IV lung cancer, which had metastasized to the liver, bones, mediastinum, lymph nodes, and brain.

Access to a Clinical Trial was the only Hope.

His profession requires excellent physical shape and healthy lifestyle. Smoking is, of course, prohibited. He has never smoked in his life and has been consciously avoiding smoking areas. An ardent anti-smoker… He always followed a healthy eating pattern, recommended by doctors and according to their instructions. Went to bed early and got up early. No stress or at least he had learned to cope with it. As an adult, he regularly went for all his annual medical checkups. All but one, which we were about to find out.

 Low- Dose Computed tomography (LDCT)

Had he been tested, the disease would have been prevented.

Discuss this screening test with your GP.

Based on 2018 statistics, life expectancy in his case was just under 3 months from diagnosis. No surgery could be performed and treatments were the only solution and hope to extend his life.

Since operation was out of the question, he joined a Clinical Trial to receive treatment.

He knew everything and was fully aware of his situation. We all devoted ourselves to him. As a family, we fully supported him from the start and acted jointly every step of the way. It’s been a difficult and ongoing battle. Since January 2021, his condition has significantly improved.

We are now getting into the third (3) year. He works normally. He participates in every personal and family activity. He daily exercises and enjoys his life.

I would like to wholeheartedly thank all those who helped us in any way. Each one added a link to my brother’s life chain.

There are so many of them and simply saying THANK YOU is not enough.

I would also like to thank my brother. He never ceases to teach me strength and dignity.

Finally, I would like to express my sincere gratitude to Dr.Helena Linardou for her tireless efforts to go above and beyond to advocate for her patients’ needs.


George S.