The EUROPEAN COMMITTEE – GENERAL DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION, YOUTH, SPORTS AND CULTURE in celebration of the Year of Youth encourages young people to “give life to their vision, hopes, and dreams for Europe’s future. As a result many initiatives from many different political sectors have been reinforced and launched throughout the year and addressed towards the general populous but with an emphasis on the student population. One the sectors is “Health, Wellness and Sports” which directs an important and ground-breaking initiative called the “tobacco free generation” program.

FairLife L.C.C.’s initiatives for the anti-smoking campaign directed towards youth, the student competition, and its’ various activities in schools and recognised and celebrated by the European Commission and are to be included in the Activity Map of the Year in the European Online Youth Portal. Allowing us to use their logo and visual identity of the year for the promotion and branding of our initiatives under the European Year of Youth 2022 but delights us and reminds us of our passion to continue down this road.

As the representatives of FairLife L.C.C. we wish to invite our volunteers and friends to take part in this year’s celebration by recording the hopes and dreams for Europe’s future on the European Year of Youth’s online platform https://youthvoices.eu/#/el. They can also record their message in Greek, under any of the 9 categories, one of which being “Health, Wellness and Sports”.

The president, Mrs. Korina Pateli-Bell highlights “Through the help of our volunteers in the various youth antismoking activities we venture to enhance the public’s opinion of the effects of smoking on health and particularly it’s strong and scientifically-proven relationship with lung cancer. Our children have both the sensitivity and the tenacity to help us change our habits and make the right choices first focusing within the family and school and then in general society. We must only help them use their voice and listen to them. Their messages are imperative and are highlighted through our personal motto “Inhale… Exhale… Or BREATHE? The choice is yours.”

Communication Manager FairLife L.C.C.:

Nelly Kapsi                     

Napoleontos 18, 16675, Glyfada

Tel: 213 0165784
FairLine 11157
Email: info@fairlifelcc.com
Twitter : https://twitter.com/fairlifelcc