MD, PhD, FEBTS Senior consultant Thoracic Surgeon

Born in Athens in 1964. She graduated from the German School and studied at the Medical School of the University of Athens. She specialized in Cardiothoracic Surgery at the Hospital of Piraeus and at “EVANGELISMOS” General Hospital of Athens. She worked in different centers in Germany and Canada. NHS consultant thoracic surgeon in 2002 at the General Hospital Thoracic Diseases in Athens and in 2004, upon invitation of Prof. A. Haverich, she organized the Department of Thoracic Surgery at Hannover Medical School and remained as chief thoracic surgeon until 2007. In 2013 she became the Head of the Thoracic Surgery Department at “EVANGELISMOS” General Hospital until its merger with the Cardiac Surgery Departments. She served as the President of the Hellenic Society of Thoracic & Cardiovascular Surgeons and the Head of the Thoracic Surgery Team at the Hellenic Thoracic Society. Active participation in European Societies as Regent of Greece and member of the Council of ESTS, member of the Thoracic Committee of EACTS, Co-founder of EACTS Academy in 2000, and coordinator of the Thoracic Surgery Course for 10 years. She also serves as Examiner in European examinations and Secretary of the Thoracic Surgery Team of ERS. Organizer of Greek and European conferences. She has over 300 papers and 120 Lectures in Greek and international conferences, 99 publications and contributed with different chapters in more than 20 Greek and foreign language books. She is a founding member of the non-governmental organization “Medical Intervention”and speaks 7 foreign languages.