Mental Health Counsellor, Psychotherapist, Energy Analyst

I was born in 1967 and grew up abroad. I studied at the Law School (DUTH).

For 15 years I worked in the field of Communication and Advertising.

Mother of 3 children, always with the belief that life is not only beautiful in our dreams and ideologies, but also in our everyday lives, I was led, after 14 years, to the creation of a Center for Energy Healing, Anadysis.

I teach Psychoanadysis, a 3-year course that transforms our whole existence and at the same time trains us through meditation techniques in a deeper self-deconstruction and reconstruction, with the main horizon being the true Healing.

I am a Mental Health Counselor, Psychotherapist and Energy Analyst. I have completed my studies in Law, many seminars in various fields, Psychoenergy (3 years), Creative Healing, Energy Aromatherapy, the Rainbow Bridge (1 year), Neuroscience courses and its effect on mental health and 3 years Synthetic Psychoenergy.

Until this day i still try to compose the True, the Beautiful and the Real in the life of man… and that is where his Ascension begins … reaching his true Iasis.